After completing a Double Major in Songwriting and Creative Industries (Music Business), Having Studied under the tutelage of Professor Richard Vella, Daryl Aberhart, Andree Greenweld and Colin Spiers at the Newcastle Conservatorium of Music, Lennie has opened the doors to
'Bella Dose Music', offering a friendly approach to building your toolbox to assist in the art of songwriting.
"I have refined my skills as a songwriter over the past 10 years, including learning techniques from Pat Pattison, writing with various recorded musicians & forever learning and pushing myself to be better everyday. I am opening my doors to teach the art of songwriting, work and collaborate with professional musicians and work with up and coming composers to help refine their own craft."
Anyone can write a song, whether it be simple or complex. But, yes, there are tools that can help you with writing. Ever heard of writers block? I encounter it often, but I have tools at my disposal to help make the process easier.
Just like painting or poetry, Songwriting is ‘ART’. It can help with letting out emotions, whether it be through personal hardship or witnessing something amazing that you just need to share with the world. Songs touch people in many ways, it is a way of connecting with others, hearing or seeing everyone's individual emotional connection to lyrical content they may find relevant in their own personal way.

Of course, with a basic understanding of music theory and creative tools to assist in refining your art, you will walk away a more confident songwriter. Courses can be tailored to suit your needs. I aim to mentor and coach you to bring the best out of your artistic ideas. If you are seeking someone to assist in helping you turn your lyrics or poems into songs and help you compose, I am here to help.